Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 6, 2015

Image: Restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral

The Notre Dame Cathedral, which is situated in the heart of HCMC, willbegin to be renovated in the fourth quarter this year, marking the firstsuch overhaul since it was opened in 1880.

Restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral

Although it looks imposing from outside, the interior of the Cathedralhas deteriorated over the years. According to the HCMC Archdiocese, itmay take years to finish restoration work as materials will be importedfrom France.

During the time the project is carried out, the entire Cathedral will be covered.

Speaking of the Notre Dame Cathedral, people will think of it as arendezvous for people from all walks of life. The cathedral is of coursean important worshiping place for Catholics but also an architecturalicon and a tourist destination in HCMC.

It is also the place for couples to come to capture important momentsof their lives, young and old people to gather for various activities,and others to earn a living.

The news about the forthcoming restoration of the Notre Dame has caused different reactions among citizens.

On the morning of last Wednesday, around six couples were seen aroundthe church to take wedding photos. A groom named Nguyen Minh Tan fromDistrict 8 said: “Both foreign tourists and people from neighboringprovinces would like to visit and take photos at the Notre Dame as it isan architectural icon of the city. My wife and I want our weddingphotos to be taken here thanks to the impressive and ancient features ofthe cathedral. There are not many ancient buildings in this city.”

“More than half of the couples who hired me to take wedding photos hadchosen the Notre Dame Cathedral,” said Cao Van Long, a photographer inDistrict 10, adding that the old look of the cathedral with red bricksand stones provides a beautiful background for photos.

“I hope that all unique features of the cathedral will be kept the sameafter it is renovated. I think it will still be a place for weddingphotos,” he said.

Thanh, a woman who sells coffee, soft drinks and feed for pigeons atthe cathedral, said she has been around here for the past 20 years. “Ihope after it is restored, the cathedral will be more beautiful and notlose its unique features.”

Most of her customers are tourists. She said the building will becovered for restoration in the coming time, so the number of guestscoming would fall.

A xe om (motorbike taxi) driver named Tam said he has been familiarwith the image of visitors, locals and couples gathering around theNotre Dame Cathedral, so it would be sad when the building is closed forrenovation.

A photographer named Huynh Xe said when the cathedral is shut forrestoration, he will quit working because no one would come to visit theplace for photography. Hopefully, when it is reopened and people wouldcome again and he would return to work.

Nguyen Van Thuyen, a city tour guide, said the Notre Dame Cathedral isan indispensable destination in the tour of Saigon for foreigners.However, he thinks the temporary shutdown for renovation of such abuilding will get support from tourists.

Photos of the church before the restoration:

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SGT/Dan Viet

Image: Restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral

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