Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 7, 2015


Exhibition “Lên đồng” by Vu Thanh Nghi

Exhibition: 09 – 23 Jul 2015

Heritage Space

Dolphin Plaza, 28 Tran Binh, My Dinh, Ha Noi

Influenced by Mother Goddesses religion and its ethereality, through his artistic soul and incredible hands, Vu Thanh Nghi has created 25 paintings, 25 separating morphology with 2 different styles.

Mother Goddesses religion has long been a special belief of Vietnamese, which meets the needs and aspirations of people in daily life. It is close to people from the north to the south to protect, sympathy, share, protect and save them.

Vu Thanh Nghi was born in 1972 in Hai Phong, graduated from Vietnam University of Arts in 1998. He has 2 solo exhibitions in 2008 entitled “Lên đồng” and “The journey of soul”.

Fundraising Photo Exhibition: Orphans of the Temple

Sat 11 Jul 2015, 4 – 10 pm

Spacebar Cafe

15/76 To Ngoc Van, Tay Ho Dist, Hanoi

Over 2 decades ago, a Buddhist monk took it upon himself to raise an orphaned child at Thinh Dai temple in Ha Nam province. Today, his family of orphans has grown to over 30 children. A collection of 25 Portraits of these kids taken by Emily Sumner will be displayed on the Saturday of July 11th.

Next to each portrait of the kid is a short story about her/him (nickname, age, characteristic, how he/she became an orphan, and what he/she needs for the school year of 2015–2016). All stories are written by Quan (a boy raised in the temple and now studying in Hanoi) in Vietnamese and translated into English by volunteers.

Ticket available at door on July 11th for 50,000 VND/each. All funds donated to Thinh Dai orphanage.

Film Screening “Il était une Forêt” by Luc Jacquet

Fri 10 Jul 2015, 8 pm


24 Tràng Tiền, Hà Nội

You are invited to the film screening “Il était une Forêt” (France, 2013, 78 mins) directed by Luc Jacquet.

Luc Jacquet created the image and soundtrack to immerse viewers into an unknown but welcoming and exciting world.

For more information about synopsis, please see L’Espace website (in French) or refer to the Vietnamese version of this post.

Language: French with Vietnamese subtitle.


Ticket price: 50 000 VND

Special price for members of L’Espace and students: 40 000 VND

Tickets are available at L’Espace.

Acoustic Show with Indonesian grunge rocker Gede Robi

Thu 09 Jul 2015, 8 pm


73a Mai Hac De, Hanoi

Grungerocker Gede Robi Supriyanto ventures to Vietnam for the first time.Lead guitarist and vocalist with top indie Indonesian band NAVICULA nowstops off in Hanoi in his Vietnam tour!

Robi is traveling with JoeCummings of Love Bone and Daniel Eiland, funk bassist. His aim is toshare his grunge rock music whilst meeting and collaborating with localmusicians.

“The collaboration between great musicians becomes aconversation that takes place between the artist and the audience. Theenergy goes both ways and it is in this space – created by sound – thatthe unraveling of boundaries takes place.”

This is the intentionof the tour – to take some music, some musicians and ideas, and unravelsome magic. The ultimate goal is to have a great deal of fun… Because,“If it is not fun, it is not rock and roll.”

Tickets: 50,000 VND at door

Contemporary Concert and Dance program at HCMC Opera House

Thu 09 Jul 2015, 8 pm

HCMC Opera House

No. 7 Lam Son Square, D.1, HCMC

You are invited to the contemporary concert and dance program at the HCMC Opera House.

Twonew dance pieces titled “Vọng phu biển” – “Waiting for Husband on theShore” choreographed by Nguyen Phuc Hai and Nguyen Phuc Hung will befeatured in this program. The faithfulness of Vietnamese women inmarriage is expressed in the most touching way through the image of the“Vong Phu” (“waiting for husband”) stone.

In addition, the programalso introduces some contemporary music compositions by young talentedmusicians coached in professional environment of music: Nguyen Manh DuyLinh, Vu Viet Anh, Nguyen Do Anh Tuan, etc.


Ticket price: 550,000 – 400,000 – 350,000 – 200,000 – 80,000 VND (for students only)

Booking and delivery: 08 38237419, Ms. Huong: 0989874517, Ms. Huong Ly: 0908057972

Lecture & Talk: “Dolls, Dreams, and Drives: Sexual Subjectivity in the Films of Kim Kyung-Mook”

Thu 09 Jul 2015, 7 pm

Nha San Collective

2nd floor, 24 Ly Quoc Su, Hanoi

Queer Forever and Nhà Sàn Collective are excited to invite you to a lecture and talk with Prof. Earl Jackson, Jr.:

“Dolls, Dreams, and Drives:

Sexual Subjectivity in the Films of Kim Kyung-Mook.”

Earl Jackson, Jr.

National Chiao Tung University

Trans-Asian Screen Cultures Institute

Anydescription of the films of Kim Kyung-Mook must be immediatelyqualified. His films emanate from an unapologetically “gay” perspective,yet their significance extends beyond an identity politics. One ofrecurrent motifs in his films involve the attempt of a young gay man tofind sexual and emotional fulfillment from an older married man onlypartially available. Yet the films are neither a lament nor avictimology. Instead, these situations contribute to a more extensiveunderstanding of a sexual scenario as a structural disequilibrium.Furthermore, desire is not an urge to be quelled either by physiologicalsatisfaction or the closure of a psychological narrative; instead,desire remains an open question – destabilizing in its constitutiveeffects and affects.

This paper will examine Kim’s films to drawout the inscription of sexual subjectivity and the self-constitution ofthe subject as object of the other’s desire. Although the primary focusis on male-male sexuality outside of an identity politics, the strugglesfor recognition within a given pairing as well as within a subject’sself-understanding illustrate viscerally that sexuality itself isinherently political – here in its adjudication of submission,dominance, accommodation and resistance.

Round-table Discussion: “Window – A strange Look on the Familiar Hanoi” by Ta Huy Long

Wed 08 Jul 2015, 6 pm


24 Tràng Tiền, Hà Nội

Youare invited to the round-table discussion entitled: “Window – A strangeLook on the Familiar Hanoi”, with the participation of Ta Huy Long,illustrator and author of the book, and Nguyen Hoang Dieu Thuy,publisher.

“Window”, the latest work of Ta Huy Long – one of theleading comic illustrators in Viet Nam – tells the story of Hanoi somedecades ago when Trang Tien Miscellaneous Goods Store was still open,electric trains still tinkled on the streets, and bicycle was the maintransportation of Hanoians. The mischievous, ambiguous paintings whichbear the metaphor of re-birth and life transformation, flashing by asfast as a dream in their busy lives will take the audience to afamiliar, yet strange Hanoi as it was a few decades ago.

Language: Vietnamese

Free entry.

Classical Concert with Song Hong Chamber, Duo Mây, and Friends and the Red Steinway

Tue 07 Jul 2015, 8 pm

New concert hall

Vietnam National Academy of Music

You are invited to the classical concert with the participation of Song Hong Chamber, Duo Mây, Friends and the Red Steinway.

The young artists will perform compositions by J Haydn, W.A.Mozart, F Schubert, F.Chopin, A.Drovak and Dang Huu Phuc.


Ticket price: 100 000 VND, 200 000 VND

Contact for ticket sale: 090 323 0685/090 347 0179 or email

Concert – Conference “Guimet Museum or Vietnamese Cultural Presence in Paris”

Tue 07 Jul 2015, 8 pm


Guimetmuseum (Musée Guimet) is home to the most beautiful collections ofAsian art. For this special evening, Hubert Laot, Artistic Director ofthe Museum, will make a brief introduction about Vietnamese collectionsof the museum, and then focus on the recent exhibitions of Vietnamesearts and finally present the work done for recognition of Vietnamesearts scene.

In the second part of the evening, musician HuongThanh will present traditional music of Vietnam, together with artistsThanh Binh, Cong Hung, Vu Ngoc and Thanh Ha as well as a duet with JasonCarter.


Ticket price: 160,000 VND

Special price for members of L’Espace and students: 80,000 VND

Tickets are available at L’Espace.

Singapore Food Festival 2015 in Hanoi

08 Jul – 02 Aug 2015

Oven D’Or restaurant, Sheraton Hanoi

Lane 1 Au Co, Tay Ho Dist, Hanoi

Cometo Singapore food festival from July 8th to August 2nd, 2015. The foodfestival at will showcase Singapore’s famous cuisines and our uniquefood culture.

The organizer will contribute 30% of its ticketsales on opening night – July 8th – to one of charities of their choicenamed Hagar International Vietnam for supporting women and children whoundergone human trafficking, sexual exploitation and domestic violence.Hagar’s sole ambition is to provide the clients with the tools toreclaim the life that was taken from them and enjoy the kind ofhappiness that so many of us take for granted.

The ticket price is 990,000 VND which includes buffet dinner, soft drinks and beers.

Please contact Ms. Hang via or 043.7282342 – ext. 0 to purchase tickets.

Film Screening “Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas” by Laurent Tirard

Sun 05 Jul 2015, 4 pm


24 Tràng Tiền, Hà Nội

You are invited to the film screening “Nicholas on Holiday” (France, 2014, 97 mins) directed by Laurent Tirard.

Thesequel to the 2009 film “Little Nicholas” – after the famous adventuresof Nicholas. Repeatedly silly and extremely funny antics would makeboth children and adult laugh out loud.

For more information about synopsis, please see L’Espace website (in French) or refer to the Vietnamese version of this post.

Language: French with Vietnamese subtitle.


Ticket price: 50 000 VND

Special price for members of L’Espace and students: 40 000 VND

Tickets are available at L’Espace.

US Independence Day Picnic in Hanoi

Sat 04 Jul 2015, 4 pm

The American Club

19-21 Hai Ba Trung Sreet, Hanoi

From the organizer:

To celebrate US Independence Day:

Enjoy live music, circus, games and contests, lucky-draw, food, drinks, fun!

Featuring the BIGGEST and Best Lucky-Draw in Hanoi

Over 100 prizes will be given away for FREE!

Buy tickets at the AmCham Office – Call 04.3934 2790

Adult tickets: 500,000 VND

Children tickets: 250,000 VND

Children under 3: Free

Tickets include unlimited food and drinks!

Special Concert at Vietnam National Academy of Music

Major art & entertainment events in big cities from July 1-10.

Sat 04 Jul 2015, 8 pm

The Grand Concert Hall

Vietnam National Academy of Music

You are invited to a special concert at Vietnam National Academy of Music with:

Conductor: Tran Vuong Thach

Violoin Soloist: Tran Le Quang Tien

and the Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra


Felix Mendelssohn

– Violin Concerto in E minor, op.64


Antonin Dvorak

– Symphony No.7 in D major, op.60


Ticket prices: 200,000 – 350,000 – 500000 VND. All tickets available at Hanoi Opera House or can book online at

For free delivery Call: 0913489858, 0983067996.

Enjoy a part of the Violin Concerto in E minor by Felix Mendelssohn:

March2015 also marks a lovely “mini concert” by students at the JazzDepartment of Vietnam National Academy of Music and two renownedsaxophonists from Denmark and Australia: Martin Jacobsen and DannyHealy.   

Vietnam National Academy of Music

77 Hao Nam Str., Dong Da Distr., Ha Noi

Solo Sculpture Exhibition “Invisible Movements” by Khong Do Tuyen

Opening: Fri 03 Jul 2015, 5.30 pm

Artist talk: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 3 pm

Exhibition: 03 – 10 Jul 2015

Vietnam Fine Arts Museum

66 Nguyen Thai Hoc St., Hanoi

Topeople who concern about contemporary sculpture in Vietnam, Khong DoTuyen is a familiar name. His career starts very early in groupexhibitions, workshops, local and international camps. It can be saidthat Tuyen is one of the mature sculptors of his generation.

KhongDo Tuyen uses several materials professionally, in which metal has beenmost frequently used, and steel seems to be the only type of metal ableto express and fulfill his creative need. Khong Do Tuyen breathes lifeinto steel.

Khong Do Tuyen made careful and serious decision aboutorganizing the first solo sculpture exhibition. It’s hard to think ofany other title that is more suitable than “Invisible Movements” for his“steel game” this time. A raging movement is hidden under the shapes,struggle, and pain of the heavy and cold steel…

Khong Do Tuyenalso participated in the experimental contemporary sculpture project“NEW FORM” (2012-2014) and had his works exhibited in both phase 1 andphase 2 of the project.

Film Screening “Colt 45″ at L’Espace

Fri 03 Jul 2015, 8 pm


24 Tràng Tiền, Hà Nội

You are invited to the film screening “Colt 45″ (France, 2014, 85 mins) directed by Fabrice Du Welz.

“A classic, dark and violent thriller, led by duo Lanvin – Joey Starr” – Le Dauphiné Libéré

For more information about synopsis, please see L’Espace website (in French) or refer to the Vietnamese version of this post.

Language: French with Vietnamese subtitle.


Ticket price: 50 000 VND

Special price for members of L’Espace and students: 40 000 VND

Tickets are available at L’Espace.

Round-table Discussion: “Prose is fast food?” at L’Espace

Wed 01 Jul 2015, 6 pm


24 Tràng Tiền, Hà Nội

Youare invited to the round-table discussion entitled: “Prose is fastfood?” with the participation of writer and painter Do Phan, NguyenTruong Quy, moderator Pham Xuan Nguyen.

Today the prose stays atthe heart of the Vietnamese literary creation. Its influence is real andtherefore attracts authors in search of success. On the book market,the reader likes the prose, which deals with contemporary issues,usually short and lends itself to discussion on social networks. Doesthe prose become a fast consuming good?

Language: Vietnamese

Free entry.


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